


虽然“可持续发展”对许多人来说可能是一个新的流行语, 在派克坊科技, we have been preaching about sustainability practices through our IT services and our role in the IT circular economy for over 30 years. 在Park Place Technologies, we believe we can be a successful business and do good to protect our people and the environment for future generations. We are motivated to drive change through the adoption of sustainability within our own organization whilst working with 我们的客户, 我们的合作伙伴, 我们的供应链, helping them by supporting their sustainability journey through the technology and the technology services we provide.

The concept of sustainability in technology describes how technological innovation considers natural resources to foster economic and social development, helping to drastically reduce environmental and ecological impacts through the adoption of new and alternative technologies and technological services.

Park Place Technologies values the importance of reducing IT waste and recognizes the positive impact the reduction of IT waste can have on the environment, which is why we offer a range of IT services that play their part in the circular economy, as well as IT services that can help organizations become more sustainable through their IT.

Our IT services adhere to the environmental ‘Three R’s’ (重用, 减少 and 回收) model.



硬件维护— 通过我们的 IT存储、十大赌博正规老平台器和网络硬件的硬件维护十大赌博正规老平台, 包括保修期后和使用寿命终止(EOSL)支持十大赌博正规老平台, 我们可以帮助您将硬件资产保存得更久, 同时节省30-40%的OEM维护成本.

可持续发展因素- 我们通过您的IT帮助您变得更加可持续, 通过保修后的支持来延长您的支持十大赌博正规老平台, 或通过EOSL支持十大赌博正规老平台, enabling you to take advantage of your existing technology for longer versus a hardware refresh with all of the technology and packaging this may entail.

此外, our hardware maintenance services can be delivered with our ParkView 硬件监控™ service, 这是业界唯一的First-Time Fix™保证. 有我们的保证, 你可以放心,因为你知道万一发生故障, 我们不需要多次旅行来解决您的问题, 减少燃料和碳的使用在未花费的旅程时间到现场.


专业十大赌博正规老平台- 与我们的 IT资产处置(ITAD)十大赌博正规老平台, 您可以确保您的硬件将被安全可靠地处理, with secure data erasure and the provision of compliant documentation to Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment standards (WEEE).

可持续发展因素- 我们通过您的IT帮助您变得更加可持续, 通过安全可靠地处理您的硬件. Some of the hardware or/and parts earmarked for disposal may be purchased from you to help support our spare parts and maintenance services, 一起确保, we do our bit for the circular economy by enabling of the re-use and recycling of parts and systems.


Entuity软件™- 企业网络监控、管理和性能 解决方案,帮助您优化网络基础架构.

可持续发展因素- our services can be delivered through automation ensuring that you benefit from reduced e-waste and optimal networking infrastructure resulting in minimal downtime.


托管十大赌博正规老平台- 我们的范围 基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台 include Discovery (find out which hardware assets you have in your IT environment and where, 包括虚拟机, 云的资产, 外围设备和存储设备, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 以及网络硬件), 网络管理, 十大赌博正规老平台器管理, 存储管理.

可持续发展因素- Our services can be delivered through automation, ensuring that you benefit from reduced e-waste. 了解您拥有哪些技术资产, 以及它们在基础设施中的位置, 将使您能够准确地确定您需要哪些资产, 并防止不必要的硬件购买/扩展.


曲率硬件- 我们可以帮助寻找和采购新的和二手存储, 十大赌博正规老平台器和网络硬件.

可持续发展因素- 如果您正在为您的存储寻找硬件刷新, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 网络设备, 你不妨 consider pre-owned hardware as an alternative 新硬件通过我们的曲率硬件部门. 除了通过购买二手硬件节省的成本之外, you will also benefit from knowing that you have played your part in the circular economy by purchasing fit-for-purpose pre-owned hardware, 确保它们的重复使用. Another benefit to you in the current marketplace is that you are more likely to obtain your pre-owned hardware immediately, 反对新硬件采购, which is where you may experience long fulfilment delays due to the current global chip shortage and global 供应 chain issues.


Park Place Technologies is committed to playing our part to help the environment by being an environmentally sustainable organization. 这是我们对员工的承诺, 我们的客户, 我们的合作伙伴以及更广泛的IT和科技行业.

虽然“可持续发展”对许多人来说可能是一个新的流行语, 在公园广场, we have been preaching about sustainability practices through our IT services and our role in the IT circular economy for over 30 years.

The circular economy is an economic model that ensures that resources which enter the economy are able to remain a part of it for as long as possible. 在这, this means ensuring that technology and technology services remain in use for as long as is practically possible, 而采用“重复使用”, “减量再循环”的概念.

Park Place Technologies values the importance of reducing IT waste and recognizes the positive impact the reduction of IT waste can have on the environment – which is why we offer a range of services which play their part in the circular economy.

柏坊科技十大赌博正规老平台坚持环保的“3r”(再利用), 减少及循环再造)的方法如下:

重用 -我们可以帮助您延长现有IT存储的使用寿命, 十大赌博正规老平台器和网络硬件 through our range of post-warranty and End of Service Life (EOSL) support 十大赌博正规老平台器s for a multitude of OEM systems and models. 另外, 如果您正在寻找硬件刷新, 通过曲率硬件业务, 我们可以为您提供一系列的二手存储, 十大赌博正规老平台器和网络硬件.

减少 -我们可透过一套完整的, 安全, secure and ethical disposal of your data center hardware equipment through our IT资产处置 (ITAD) service.

回收 -我们可以回收不需要的设备进行维修, 硬件经纪, 二手硬件供应和废料/精炼市场.


Park Place Technologies specializes in supporting and maintaining post-warranty and End of Service Life (EOSL) equipment, 与OEM的维护成本相比,节省了30-40%. We help organizations around the world keep and continue to use their existing data center hardware — including storage, 十大赌博正规老平台器和网络硬件-超出其保修和EOSL期限. 这个基础设施是否需要升级, 比如额外的储物架, 更多内存或cpu, 我们可以负责他们的货源, 供应, 安装与支持.

此外,通过我们的 IT硬件维护十大赌博正规老平台, we offer automated maintenance through our ParkView 硬件监控™ service which is underpinned by the IT industry’s only First-Time Fix™ Guarantee.


如果您正在为您的存储寻找硬件刷新, 十大赌博正规老平台器和网络设备, 你不妨 考虑将二手IT硬件作为替代方案 新硬件通过我们的曲率硬件部门. 除了通过购买二手硬件节省的成本之外, you will also benefit from knowing that you have played your part in the circular economy by purchasing fit for purpose pre-owned hardware, 确保它们的重复使用. Another benefit to you is that you are more likely to obtain your pre-owned hardware immediately, 反对新硬件采购, which is where you may experience long fulfilment delays due to the current global chip shortage and global 供应 chain issues.


与我们的 ITAD十大赌博正规老平台, 您可以确保您的硬件将被安全可靠地处理, with secure data erasure and the provision of compliant documentation to Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment standards (WEEE).

Park Place Technologies is committed to playing its part to help the environment by being an environmentally sustainable organization. 这是我们对员工的承诺, 我们的客户, 我们的合作伙伴以及更广泛的IT和科技行业.